
Eigen huis & interieur has put together a top 25 of the best Dutch designers, or who is the best designer in the Netherlands.

At Nederlandsdesign.com we have also held competitions in the past, so naturally we are curious what other media have to say about this.

At Nederlandsdesign.com we write about the most important Dutch furniture designers.


Top 25 Dutch designers according to Eigen huis & interieur

The list was compiled by around 20 leading design experts who were allowed to give up their top 5.

After that, Eigen huis & interieur started looking at the number of publications, the number of employees, the number of exhibitions, media exposure and a number of variables.

It is striking that the list of experts is a lot closer to our opinion than the final top 25 …

.De top 25 Dutch designers according to Eigen huis & interieur:

1. Studio Job

2. Marcel Wanders

3. Scholten & Baijings

4. Maarten Baas

5. Piet Hein Eek

6. Joep van Lieshout

7. Studio Makking & Bey

8. Ineke Hans

9. Hella Jongerius

10. Richard Hutten

11. Joris Laarman

12. Aldo Bakker

13. Formafantasma

14. Piet Boon


16. Kiki van Eijk

17. Brand van Egmond

18. Bertjan Pot

19. Christien Meindertsma

20. Edward van Vliet

21. Tord Boontje

22. Paul Linse

23. Roderick Vos

24. Niels van Eijk & Miriam van der Lubbe

25. Pepe Heykoop


Top 15 Dutch designers van de experts

The experts chose the following top 15 from Dutch designers, a list in which we can agree more:

1. Bertjan Pot

2. Hella Jongerius

3. Joris Laarman

4. Piet Hein Eek

5. Studio Makkink & Bey

6. Maarten Baas

7. Christien Meindertsma

8. Scholten & Baijings

9. Marcel Wanders

10. Ineke Hans

11. Richard Hutten

12. Wieki Somers

13. Atelier van Lieshout

14. Aldo Bakker

15. Bruno Nibaber van Eyben

.We have also held a competition on Facebook about what is the best Dutch furniture brand and we also have a shortlist of what we believe to be the best Dutch furniture designers.

We have also already compiled a top 10 with the best designer chairs of Dutch origin. Most of the above designers also come back frequently, so we can agree with that.

That the list of experts deviates so much from the final top 25 is of course debatable.

Bertjan Pot and Hella Jongerius are chosen by the experts as clear winners but finish 18th and 9th.

Of course it is nice that Eigen huis & interieur has done such an investigation once.

In the end we think that almost everyone in the top 25 also deserves a place.


Names and Top 10 talents
A number of names came back to which we have not (yet) paid attention to Nederlandsdesign.com.

We will look into this shortly and write an article about it. In addition to the new names,

Eigen huis & interieur also provided a top 10 with up-and-coming talents. We have regularly given some of these talents attention, but the majority have not.

Maybe more soon …



The top 10 upcoming talents according to the experts in Own home & interior:

1. Jolan van der Wiel

2. Dirk vander Kooij

3. Formafantasma

4. Klaas Kuiken

5. Lex Pott

6. Mieke Meijer

7. Sjoerd Vroonland

8. Lenneke Langenhuijsen

9. Philip Luschen

10. Maarten Schenkeveld
